A or B #6: Closet or Mantel

February 23, 2010

Darrell continued his A or B series on Saturday with “Closet or Mantel.” Listen to the sermon by streaming the message here, or click this link (and “save as…”) to download the complete MP3 file.

Or watch the video here:

A or B #5: Sacrifice or Offering

February 15, 2010

Darrell continued his A or B series on Saturday with “Sacrifice or Offering,” followed by communion. Listen to the sermon by streaming the message here, or click this link (and “save as…”) to download the complete MP3 file.

Or watch the video here:

A or B #4: Delete or Download

February 8, 2010

Darrell continued his A or B series on Saturday with “Delete or Download.” Listen to the sermon by streaming the message here, or click this link (and “save as…”) to download the complete MP3 file.

Or, watch the video here:

Thought for the day

February 3, 2010

I believe there is a vast difference between a moral person and a godly person. Oswald Chambers says when a moral person is confronted with immorality, he closes his heart to the offender. I would add that when a godly person encounters immorality, he is repulsed by the offense but he maintains love and acceptance toward the offender.

May we always remember the difference between the offense and the offender. Christ demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, he died for us. (Rm. 5:8) May we strive to be godly, not simply moral!